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8 Age-appropriate Chores for Energetic 8-Year-Olds

November 3, 2023

Read Time: 2 minutes, 593 words

Are you ready to get your 8-year-old involved in some helpful household chores? We've got you covered. Chores can be a great way to teach your little grownups responsibility, teamwork, and important life skills, all while lightening your load. In this article, we'll explore a list of age-appropriate chores that are perfect for 8-year-old kids.

1. Making Their Bed: Encourage your child to start their day on a positive note by making their bed. It's a simple yet impactful chore that instils a sense of pride, organisation, and personal responsibility.

2. Setting and Clearing the Table: Involve your 8-year-old in mealtime responsibilities by having them set the table before meals and clear it afterward. They'll learn about table manners, cooperation, and the importance of helping out.

3. Sorting Laundry: They can help separate whites, darks, and colours. It's a great opportunity to teach them about organisation and the basics of doing laundry. It can be turned into a fun game of toss, too!

4. Feeding and Caring for Pets: If you have furry or feathered friends at home, your child can take on the responsibility of feeding and caring for them. This chore helps develop empathy, compassion, and teaches them the importance of nurturing.

5. Cleaning Their Bedroom: Transform cleaning into an adventure by encouraging your child to tidy up their bedroom. Provide them with age-appropriate cleaning tools and make it fun by playing their favourite songs. They can dust surfaces, organise toys, and make their space neat and cozy.

6. Sweeping and Mopping: Let your 8-year-old become a little cleaning superhero by giving them the task of sweeping or mopping certain areas of the house. They can start with small spaces, such as the bathroom floor, and gradually work their way up. It's a great way to develop their fine motor skills and instil a sense of accomplishment.

7. Watering Plants and Pulling Weeds: If you have a green thumb or want to inspire one, involve your child in watering plants and basic gardening tasks. Kids can help with watering indoor or outdoor plants, planting seeds, or pulling weeds. This chore fosters a love for nature, and teaches patience.

8. Organising the Pantry or Fridge: Turn your 8-year-old into a little kitchen helper by involving them in organizing the pantry or fridge. They can help arrange items, check expiration dates, and create a shopping list of items that need restocking. It’ll teach them about meal planning, organisation, and making healthy choices. You can even snack while you clean!

Involving your 8-year-old in household chores is a win-win situation for both of you. It helps your child develop essential life skills while lightening your load around the house. By assigning chores like making their bed, setting the table, or caring for pets, you're teaching them responsibility, organisation, and empathy. So, put on some music, get the cleaning supplies ready, and get the ball rolling on their chore adventure.

Setting up a chore system where kids can earn pocket money also helps them build financial skills and independence. Don’t have Kit yet? Sign up to Kit today and begin your children’s journey to financial literacy and capability.


Consider the PDS, FSG, TMD and other important information at Any advice given is general in nature and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs so please consider whether it is appropriate for you.




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