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9 Best Chores for 9-Year-Old Kids

October 26, 2023

Read Time: 2 minutes, 503 words

Are you looking for ways to get your 9-year-old involved in household chores? Well, you've come to the right place! Chores not only teach kids responsibility and life skills but also instil a sense of accomplishment. Plus, having a little helper doesn’t hurt! In this article, we'll explore a list of the best chores for 9-year-old kids that are not only age-appropriate but also fun and engaging.

1. Setting and Clearing the Table: Mealtime chores are a great way to involve your 9-year-old in the daily routine. Assign them the task of setting the table before meals and clearing it afterward. They can learn about table manners, organisation, and teamwork by taking turns with siblings.

2. Making Their Bed: Teaching your kid to make their bed can instil a sense of pride and personal responsibility. It's a quick and simple chore that sets a positive tone for the day ahead.

3. Putting Away Laundry: Get your child involved in the laundry routine by having them sort and put away their clean clothes. It's an opportunity to teach them about folding, hanging and maintaining their belongings.

4. Dusting and Wiping Surfaces: Kids love being helpful, so why not let them take charge of dusting and wiping surfaces? Hand them a duster or a damp cloth and send them out on a mission to rid the house of visible dust. They can dust shelves and wipe tabletops.

5. Watering Plants: For nature-loving kids, taking care of plants can be an enjoyable chore. Assign them the task of watering indoor or outdoor plants on a schedule. This one teaches them about responsibility, nurturing, and the importance of nature.

6. Helping Wash Cars: Get outside on a sunny day and let your little grownup take the lead on soaping up the family car. Lather, rinse, repeat!

7. Keeping their play areas neat. This one is an important lesson for kids. Teach them to tidy up after themselves by sorting and organising their toys and books. You can make it fun by using colourful bins or shelves, and giving everything a home.

8. Taking Care of Pets: If you have furry friends at home, involving your child in their care can be a rewarding experience. Assign age-appropriate tasks like feeding, grooming, or walking the family pet. It promotes empathy, compassion, and teaches kids about the value of responsibility.

9. Setting Up a Recycling System: Teaching your child about the importance of sustainability and recycling is crucial. Encourage them to take responsibility for sorting recyclables and placing them in designated bins. Make it a family effort towards a greener future.

Taking the time to get your 9-year-old involved in household chores not only lightens your
load but also helps them develop essential life skills. The key is to make the chores engaging
and age-appropriate, turning them into enjoyable learning experiences. By assigning tasks
like setting the table, making their bed, or caring for pets, you're instilling responsibility,
organisation, and empathy in your child.

Setting up a chore system where kids can earn pocket money also helps them build financial skills and independence. Don’t have Kit yet? Sign up to Kit today and begin your children’s
journey to financial literacy and capability.


Any advice given does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs so please consider whether it is appropriate for you. 



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