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Container deposit schemes: Let them return it to earn it

April 21, 2023

Read Time: 2 minutes, 675 words

Recycling cans and bottles is not only good for the environment, but it can also be a great way for kids to earn some extra money. In many states in Australia, there are container deposit schemes that allow people to earn a small refund for each container returned. Kids can collect cans and bottles from around the house or neighbourhood, or even help clean up cans and bottles from the park or beach.

In addition to earning money, recycling cans and bottles does the double duty of teaching kids the importance of taking care of the environment, and the satisfaction of making a positive impact on their community. 

Help get them on their way by first familiarising yourself with the scheme available in your area. We’ve compiled a list of schemes available in each state, and linked to where you’ll find the drop off points for recyclables in your area.

Container deposit schemes by state

  1. New South Wales - The Return and Earn scheme has been operating in New South Wales since 2017 and has since recycled over 9 billion bottles and cans. It allows people to earn a 10-cent refund for each eligible beverage container, such as plastic bottles, glass bottles, and aluminium cans. See where to return your recyclables here. 
  2. Queensland - The Containers for Change scheme operates in Queensland, allowing people to earn a 10-cent refund for a range of eligible beverage containers. Check your collection points here. 
  3. Northern Territory - The Container Deposit System operates in the Northern Territory, allowing people to earn a 10-cent refund for eligible beverage containers. See collection points here. 
  4. Western Australia - The Container Refund Scheme operates in Western Australia, allowing your kids to earn a 10-cent refund on all eligible beverage containers - plastic and glass bottles, paper-board cartons, and steel and aluminium cans between 150 millilitres and three litres. See where you can return your containers here
  5. South Australia - The Container Deposit Scheme operates in South Australia and has been running since 1977. Kids can earn 10 cents for each eligible beverage container. See where you can drop off your containers here. 
  6. Australian Capital Territory - The Cash for Containers scheme operates in the Australian Capital Territory, allowing people to earn a 10-cent refund for eligible beverage containers. Check your collection points here. 
  7. Victoria - The Victorian government announced that their container deposit scheme, CDS Vic, is set to start in November 2023. The scheme will reward Victorians with a 10-cent refund for every eligible can, carton and bottle they return. Learn more about the scheme here. 
  8. Tasmania - Due to start in 2023, the state-wide Container Refund Scheme (CRS) will be known as Recycle Rewards, which aims to reduce litter while supporting the development of Tasmania’s circular economy by increasing recycling. 

In addition to earning money, recycling cans and bottles does the double duty of teaching kids the importance of taking care of the environment, and the satisfaction of making a positive impact on their community. 

It's important to note that each scheme may have different rules and regulations, including which containers are eligible and how payment is issued. It's a good idea to check with your local recycling centre to find out what they accept and how it works. 

We also recommend reminding your kids to always be safe when collecting and transporting cans and bottles. They should wear gloves and sturdy, closed-toe shoes to protect their hands and feet, and they should always ask for adult supervision when transporting heavy bags of recycling or cleaning up broken glass. 

Recycling cans and bottles is a great way for kids to earn extra pocket money while also doing their part to protect the environment. Encourage your kids to make it a habit to collect and recycle cans and bottles on a regular basis. They can even set up a Stack with a savings goal in their Kit App to track how much money they have earned from collecting and recycling bottles and cans. They’ll be helping the environment, and learning about earning and saving money all at once.

Don’t have Kit yet? Sign up to Kit today and begin your children’s journey to financial literacy.


Consider the PDS, FSG, TMD and other important information at Any advice given is general in nature and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs so please consider whether it is appropriate for you. 

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