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Top Three Benefits of a Pocket Money App

April 3, 2024

Read Time: 1 minute, 387 words

Are you ready to kickstart your kid's money management skills? Say hello to the world of pocket money apps, a game-changer for teaching kids about money in a fun and engaging way. Let’s dive into what a pocket money app is.

What's a Pocket Money App? 

Think of a pocket money app as your child's digital money jar, but with a twist. It's a fun, interactive tool that helps kids learn about earning, saving, budgeting and mindfully spending their money. With a pocket money app, kids can track their allowance, set savings goals, and even earn rewards for good money habits—all in one place. 


The Benefits for Your Kid 

  1. Financial capability: Pocket money apps help kids develop essential money management skills early, setting them up to build smart money habits.   
  2. Responsibility and consequence: By managing their own money through a pocket money app, kids learn the value of responsibility and the consequences of their spending choices.
  3. Goal setting: With features like savings goals, kids can learn the importance of setting objectives and working towards them—a valuable skill in life! 


Why Choose Kit?   

  • Gamified learning: Kit is more than your standard pocket money app, Kit also offers a fun and engaging way for kids to learn about money through games, quizzes, and interactive Money Quests. It turns financial education into an exciting adventure, and we all know that kids learn more effectively when they’re having fun. 
  • Avatar creator: With Kit, kids can personalize their experience by creating their own avatar, making learning about money even more fun and relatable. 
  • Parental controls: Kit allows parents and carers to oversee their kids' financial activities, providing guidance and support while giving children a sense of independence and responsibility. 
  • Peace of mind: Whether at the school canteen or weekend sports there will be moments where knowing your kid has access to their Kit prepaid card takes the weight off you remembering to prepay or give them (the increasingly elusive) cash! Kit cards can also now be added to digital wallets.  

Introducing your child to a pocket money app like Kit is a fantastic way to empower them with essential financial skills while keeping things fun and interactive. Join the financial fun and watch your kid grow with Kit, their smart money sidekick. 


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All little grownups posted with Boss' permission.  

Read the T&Cs, FSG, PDS and TMD at and consider if Kit is right for you. Issued by Hay Limited. Fees and charges may apply. Any advice given is general in nature. 




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