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Teaching Kids the Value of Delayed Gratification at Home

April 29, 2024

Read Time: 2 minutes, 665 words

Guest post by Wendy Cam, Author of 'Audrey Saves for a Bike'.

Have you ever found yourself in a toy store with your child, just moments after they've set their heart on a new toy? As a mum of three and a certified Mindset Coach, I've certainly experienced the allure of instant gratification that children often succumb to in everyday life. 

Growing up in the 80s, I learned the importance of delayed gratification through the natural course of day-to-day life. Back then, we didn't have instant access to movies or games. We learned to handle frustration and disappointment as part of our upbringing. Today, with constant technological advancements, our children are even more accustomed to instant gratification. 

Recognising the importance of training our children's brains from a young age, my partner and I have been intentional about imparting different life skills to our three daughters: seven, six and ten months old. Delayed gratification is one of these crucial skills, and we incorporate it into our daily routines in several ways: 

  1. Using an Activity Board: Our two eldest daughters have their own activity whiteboard listing tasks to complete. The reward? Free playtime once they've completed and ticked off all the activities. This instils the concept of delayed gratification as they learn to work towards their desired outcome.
  2. Earning Screen Time: Instead of automatically granting screen time, we ask our daughters how they'd like to earn it. Whether it's through reading, puzzles, or other activities of their choice, they must engage in alternative activities before accessing screens. This not only reinforces delayed gratification but also introduces them to a variety of hobbies.
  3. Earning Pocket Money: Each daughter has specific chores and tasks assigned a certain number of magnets. Once they've accumulated enough, they can exchange them for pocket money. This teaches them about financial management and the value of earning what they want, rather than receiving it instantly. 


As the saying goes, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." By helping our children develop habits like delayed gratification through practice, we're setting them up for success in their older years. 

In conclusion, teaching children about delayed gratification is an essential aspect of their development in today's fast-paced world. By incorporating strategies like those mentioned above into our daily routines, we can empower our children to make thoughtful decisions and cultivate patience and resilience for the challenges they'll face in the future. 

If you're seeking additional support in instilling lessons of earning, patience, and delayed gratification, consider exploring our children's picture book, "Audrey Saves for a Bike," available at Kit customers can save 10% by entering the code KIT10 at checkout*.  

This empowering book not only imparts essential life lessons on saving money, earning pocket money, and understanding the value of delayed gratification but also features engaging discussion questions and activities. These interactive elements extend the learning experience, fostering deeper connections and facilitating growth opportunities for both parents, teachers and children. 


Wendy Cam headshot


Based in Melbourne, Australia, Wendy Cam is an Author, Certified Mindset Coach, Senior Finance Manager, wife, and mother of three young children. Wendy's journey in personal development and coaching has been transformative and when she began applying these life-enhancing skills with her children, the results were remarkable. She found they navigated their emotions with greater ease and forged deeper connections with each other. This breakthrough inspired Wendy to broaden her impact. Now her mission is to touch the lives of as many children as possible through the power of storytelling. 


Discount code valid for all book purchases. Discount code not to be used in conjunction with any other offers. Discount code valid until COB 31st July 2024. 


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